
Wood is fascinating!

Its high strength makes wood the ideal raw material for many construction products.

Wood is regionally available in sufficient quantities because it regenerates and stores carbon. These properties make wood valuable. For this reason, respectful handling is a basic principle for us. Nothing is thrown away and we process everything into useful products.

Added value

100% raw material utilisation, a unique wood cycle.

The round timber is processed in the sawmill to sawn timber for the production of shuttering panels. The bark that is produced is then utilised in the wood-fired power plant as fuel for heat and electricity production. Sawdust, wood shavings and wood chips are further processed to pellets. All these processes run together and enable us to achieve high added value.

Kreislauf Bild
m<sup>3</sup> round timber<br />per year
m3 round timber
per year
Percent raw material<br />utilisation <br /> <br />
Percent raw material

kWh green electricity<br />per year
kWh green electricity
per year
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