Raw material
from the swiss forest

Forest owners trust us

As a strong and reliable partner, we process 110,000 m3 of Swiss round timber annually to produce our quality products.

Thanks to long-standing relationships with our round timber suppliers, we are a reliable partner in the timber chain. We guarantee fast and competent processing, fair and transparent.

Requirements profile for round timber

Tree trunk (L1)
Spruce / fir cutting size: 4,30 m / 5,30 m
Charging size: 4,15 m / 5,15m

Double tree trunk (L2)
Spruce / fir cutting size: 8,60 m / 9,60 m / 10,60 m
Charging size: 4,15 m / 5,15 m

Timber (L3)
Spruce / fir cutting size:
Timber must be prepared longer than 12.90 m. The trunks are cut to this length by us.

Quality demands

  • Minimum braid diameter 18 cm
  • Maximum center diameter 60cm
  • As free of knots as possible
  • The knot content of the round timber should correspond to B quality. All other characteristics of C quality are tolerated.
  • Branch diameter max. 3.5 cm
  • Moderate boxwood and normal rotational growth are tolerated.
  • Firs with no ring cracks or coarse knots
  • We are always looking for fresh beetle-infested wood
  • Transport: Private transport or organised by Tschopp Holzindustrie AG, 40 metric tons can be driven on the forest road.
  • Measurement: Factory measurement
  • Invoicing: Ongoing
  • Conditions: 30 days 2% discount
  • FSC: We do not require FSC wood and therefore do not discount wood without an FSC seal.
  • Wood protection: Is not necessary or only by arrangement
  • Note: Please register large quantities with us before actual felling process
Logs per day
Logs per day
Percent added value
Percent added value
Lorryloads per day
Lorryloads per day
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