
All about our fairs and current events.

Christmas party 2024

Christmas party 2024

170 employees and their partners celebrated at the Schwiizer Chalet in Schenkon!
National Future Day

National Future Day

National Future Day took place on November 14, 2024.

Dust explosion at Tschopp Holzindustrie AG in Buttisholz

On November 1, a dust explosion occurred at our pellet plant in Buttisholz.
Swiss Employer Award

Swiss Employer Award

Tschopp Holzindustrie AG was awarded 7th place at this year's Swiss Employer Award - the largest employee survey in Switzerland - with the 7th place.
Photovoltaic system

Photovoltaic system

Energy strategy with renewable energy
Electric vehicle charging stations

Electric vehicle charging stations

In our company, we attach great importance to sustainability and environmental protection.
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Am GertenwegAnkleideraum begehbarer KleiderschrankBodenbeläge Chur, GraubündenBüroräume in BaselEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenErdsondenbohrungen, Brunnenbohrungen, FrostschutzeinspülungFitLine OptimalsetFull Service Marketing Agentur Hochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitHotelpools aus ChromstahlKommunikation & Design Leuchten und LeuchtsystemeMauchle PoolMaurerMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungNilfisk SaugerPermanent Make UpPhotovoltaikanlagePrivate InnenpoolsSEO Agentur LuzernSocial MediaStrassenbauer/inUnternehmenskommunikation Webagentur Luzern SurseeWebdesign Luzern Sursee Zug Zürich