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Agrola Chauffeurs Regulars' Table 2023

Also this year we had the pleasure to welcome the Agrola Chauffeuren Regulars`Table.

The Chauffeuren Regulars`Table is a platform for the exchange of knowledge and opinions among transporters, chauffeurs, employees of Agrola AG and Traveco AG.  After guest lectures, discussion rounds and animated conversations, all participants went on a tour of our new sawmill.

At the subsequent barbecue in a relaxed atmosphere, the participants continued to exchange ideas and enjoyed a relaxed end to the evening.

Agrola Chauffeurs Regulars' Table 2023
Agrola Chauffeurs Regulars' Table 2023
Agrola Chauffeurs Regulars' Table 2023
Agrola Chauffeurs Regulars' Table 2023
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