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Christmas party 2023

13 long-standing employees honored!

On Saturday, November 18, 2023, the management of Tschopp Holzindustrie AG invited its employees and their companions to a staff evening. The two managing directors Ronald and Daniel welcomed around 170 people to the Soorsi Chalet in Schenkon.

In their welcoming address, the two managing directors looked back on the past year and gave an outlook on future plans and investments. Various projects are currently underway or in the start-up phase.

Ronald and Daniel Tschopp thanked all employees for their great commitment this year. In short speeches, the divisional managers Roland Birrer (sawmill), Klaus Lindner (panel plant), Stefan Zimmermann (pellet plant) and Walter Widmer (transport/logistics) looked back on the most important events in their departments and also introduced the new employees who had joined the company this year.

At the end of the official part of the event, the employees were honored with a long service anniversary with a round of applause and a gift. With an excellent meal, fine drinks, a cool bar and rousing musical entertainment with a live band and DJ, the Tschopp workforce spent an entertaining and cozy evening together.

The honored long-serving employees, division heads + management

Above, from left: Walter Widmer, Stefan Zimmermann, Roland Birrer, Beat Langenstein (20 years), Arjen Smit (15), Martin Bächler (20), Daniel Zimmermann (20), Ronald Tschopp, Klaus Lindner

Below, from left: Wolfgang Dräger (10), Valdet Jaha (10), Beat Renggli (15), Anita Spiess (25), Josef Richli (45), Maria José Pereira de Carvalho da Silva (20), Fran Desku (30), Daniel Tschopp

The following jubilarians are missing from the photo: Andreas Karow (15), Riqard Pepaj (25)


Christmas party 2023
Christmas party 2023
Christmas party 2023
Christmas party 2023
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