high quality wood pellets

Own production
Wood pellets

Largest pellet plant in Switzerland

We have been producing this ingenious fuel since 2005. The years of experience are reflected in the quality of Tschopp Pellets.

CO2-neutral wood cycle

Our plant has a capacity of 180,000 metric tons of pellets per year and is the largest in Switzerland.

The manufacturing process is highly automated and is permanently monitored. In addition to our own waste wood, we also process natural waste wood, such as wood chips, sawdust and wood shavings from Swiss wood processing companies and sawmills into our wood pellets.

The heat requirement for drying the waste wood is covered by our own wood-fired power plant. The bark from our sawmill as well as used shuttering panels and recycled wood from our customers are used as fuel. A perfect wood recycling system, CO2-neutral. With a storage capacity of 16,000 metric tons in bulk and in 15 kg bags, we are a reliable supplier to the energy industry.

Our current production volume of 120,000 metric tons of pellets per year saves the environment 60 million litres of fuel oil.

metric tons of pellets per year
metric tons of pellets per year
Litres less fuel oil
Litres less fuel oil
metric tons of storage capacity
metric tons of storage capacity
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