Wood pellets
Sales throughout Switzerland

We rely on partners

We sell our wood pellets exclusively to leading fuel merchants in Switzerland.

These strategically important partners assume the professional distribution of our wood pellets and enable us to make full use of our production capacities. Our core competences are the industrial manufacture of wood pellets in the highest quality and the adequate supply to our distribution partners.

You can obtain loose wood pellets in tanker lorries with the following partners:

Braunschweiler Pellets AG
Bürli Pellets
Jenni Holz
Nyffenegger Holz
Josef Gut AG

You can obtain wood pellets in15 kg bags from the following distribution partners:

Bags of pellets<br />per year
Bags of pellets
per year
metric tons of loose<br />pellets per year
metric tons of loose
pellets per year
Percentage market share<br />in Switzerland
Percentage market share
in Switzerland
Baumaschinenmechaniker/inBordsteineBrandingChromstahlbeckenChromstahlpoolsDeckensegel AkustikDigital Signage Displaylösungen massgeschneidert für Ihr UnternehmenEdelstahlbeckenEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenErdsondenbohrungenFitLine Duo und Q10FitLine OptimalsetHolzbau WohnungsbauLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeNilfisk BodenreinigungsgerätePhotovoltaikanlage, SolartechnikPrivate AussenpoolsRandabschlüsse CreabetonSEO & SEA Strategie SEO Agentur LuzernTextilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungTons AsiaVerpackungsdesignWerbeagentur für Digital und Branding