Family business since1920
Healthy growth, constant development, continuity, long-term thinking and fairness have shaped the history of Tschopp Holzindustrie AG over three generations.
Healthy growth, constant development, continuity, long-term thinking and fairness have shaped the history of Tschopp Holzindustrie AG over three generations.
Extension in the pellet plant, drying capacity increases to 130`000 tons per year. Commissioning of the 5th pellet mill, production capacity increases to 180`000 tons per year.
Commissioning of the green electricity production in the wood-fired power plant by means of an ORC turbine with an output of 10.5 GWh green electricity per year. Extension of the shuttering panel plant. Commissioning of a fully automatic patching plant for the shuttering panels. Increase in production to 1.4 million m2 of shuttering panels and 60,000 metric tons of pellets per year.
Construction of a drying plant for sawdust and wood shavings for the raw material extension of the pellet plant.
Expansion of lumber drying in the panel plant.