Wood pellets


The raw material from which they are manufactured is grown regionally. Wood is a valuable resource and one of the few raw materials in Switzerland. No additional trees are felled for our pellets.

CO2-neutral, environmentally friendly, indigenous and highly efficient: that's wood pellets

As raw material we use natural waste wood in the form of sawdust, wood chips and wood shavings from our own company and from external Swiss sawmills.

Pellets only emit the amount of CO2 that was absorbed from the atmosphere during the growth of the trees. Heating with pellets makes a valuable contribution to climate protection and to the fight against the greenhouse effect.

Environmentally friendly
Pellets are manufactured from renewable raw materials and have an excellent energy balance. The production of wood pellets from waste wood requires only a fraction of the energy stored in the pellets.

Pellets are not only environmentally friendly, but they are also an inexpensive alternative to fuel oil or gas. The clean way of heating is characterised by a high economic appeal. A metric ton of pellets corresponds to the calorific value of around 500 litres of fuel oil.

Pellets freigestellt


  • Length 5 – 40 mm
  • Diameter 6 mm
  • Calorific value 4.9 kWh/kg (2 kg pellets = 1 litre of fuel oil)
  • Bulk density 650 kg/m3
  • Residual moisture 7%


We ensure safety. Our pellet production is state-of-the-art and highly efficient!



The quality of the pellets is crucial for the problem-free operation of your pellet heating system.



Whether loose pellets or in 15 kg bags, or wood pellets can be found all over Switzerland.

kWh of energy are<br />contained in 2 kg pellets
kWh of energy are
contained in 2 kg pellets
kg Pellets replace<br />1 m<sup>3</sup> natural gas
kg Pellets replace
1 m3 natural gas
kg Pellets replace<br />1 litre fuel oil
kg Pellets replace
1 litre fuel oil
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